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Abeer Desai Abeer Desai

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I have heard the renowned philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas (one of my professors in grad school) say something along the lines of: any path of inquiry followed far enough reveals insight into the nature of the universe itself. Here is a person, Marie Kondo from Japan who has been OBSESSED with tidying, cleaning, and organizing since she was a child. 

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Abeer Desai Abeer Desai

Introduction to Digital Marketing (For Non-Capitalists)

A presentation on fundamental marketing concepts delivered January 2016 designed for a non-business audience at the California Institute of Integral Studies. My interest in this presentation was to integrate the more conscientious, mindful culture being cultivated at CIIS with more pragmatic views on consciousness often found in the business community.

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Abeer Desai Abeer Desai

Financial Weapons of Planetary Revolution

A crucial challenge for any project is project management: keeping track of different components and stages, delegated responsibilities, coordination of complicated workflows. For humanity to successfully undergo the Great Turning—the transition from our devastating Industrial Growth Society to a Life-Sustaining Society—there is ultimately the requirement for the completion of a set number of tasks.

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Abeer Desai Abeer Desai

Modern Art as Consciousness Study

Earlier this year I spent a few months living with Brendan Getz at his studio in Berkeley. In addition to being an awesome person, Brendan is a highly accomplished artist with a present focus on modern abstract. Although I was coming with a background in commerce, and he in art, we found tremendous fertile common ground in philosophy.

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Abeer Desai Abeer Desai

Beyond Persona

Using a persona is something many people do. The reason that we do this is in order to protect the sensitivity of our psychological space. This means that the private thoughts that we have will not be disrupted by the intentions of those around us, because we are in essence creating some type of "sandbox" within which we are free to explore without having to deal with the questions and norms and expectations of society. 

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Abeer Desai Abeer Desai

The Core and the Crust

The core and the crust is a partition of all of reality into two fundamental modes. Core is nature: the intangible source of all things. Crust is culture: material residue left in core’s wake. Transformation of core into crust in an effective manner is the basis of a thriving society. 

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Abeer Desai Abeer Desai

Materialism, Feminism and "Masculanism"

- Materialism and its exploitative incarnation on all humans in present society
- Feminism as a response to male privilege and expectations from other women/broader society
- "Masculanism" as a response to female privilege and expectations from other men/broader society

These are three types of trauma experienced by different types of individuals to varying degrees influenced by their life experiences and idiosyncratic disposition.

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