Notes from the front lines

War in Israel/Gaza has fractured society into a clean split between those supporting one side or the other. This "feeling" is classic SATURN-URANUS (2020-2023), with Saturn being the edifice of society, and Uranus being the crack down the middle.

This is why the current drop at Integrate This is called "Paradigm Crack". It was crazy to see how just as we launched this drop at the start of October, there was once again a major upheaval and geopolitical split that was capturing the world's attention with such a SAT-UR energy.

About a year ago when the design of the hoodie was being formalized, I recall going into a jam session with Somya just as Russia began to invade Ukraine, and it was crazy then as it is now to se the global geopolitical fissures emerge in an axis that is at once feeling new, and also historic.

Another way to think of it is historic fissures emerging with renewed energy.

I've been thinking about how Twitter data is now being used to train xAI and what does that mean for sharing astrological insight publicly. I suppose I am just in the same path as the intellectuals who have come before me such as Richard Tarnas and Stanislav Grof--who uncovered deep mysteries and shared them publicly. Just like any scientist really. And yet as somebody interested in the potential of commerce, there has always been this Peter Thiel-esq dimension of "using knowledge" rather than just accumulating or sharing it.

If astrology is real, then what does that mean for what is happening in the world. How can that be used to influence or intersect with events as they are occurring.

Geopolitically, the Israel/Gaza conflict is catalyzing a new schism in the society I see around me (based in the west, out of New York City, but with an eye towards global events). This schism in turn is catalyzing the deepening divisions that emerged during the SATURN-PLUTO conjunction from 2018 to 2021, as well as the "work" worldview which gestated right through the 2010s under the aegis of the URANUS-PLUTO square of 2007-2020.

Every week I have multiple research notes being uploaded into the HistoryEngine at Numinous Realm -- now I'm beginning to wonder what it would be like to just be more open with all the research we are accruing--using this as a way of developing community, inspiring the curious, and building support.

What is crazy is that even though it is clear that at least the archetypal principles of Archetypal Astrology transits are operative in the world, this information has not yet gestated into mass consciousness, even though here I am literally broadcasting this on X into the public domain.

Again I ponder... what does it mean that astrology is real... when will this paradigm of Archetypal Astrology be pulled into the mainstream narrative of "how the cosmos works." And even then, is this something desirable, or are the deep creative/psychological/spiritual fine arts such as Archetypal Astrology supposed to be maintained by a small group protected behind gate keepers and guarded walls -- similar to spiritual mystery schools, or the "in crowd" of the fashion/art world, and so forth.

Basically it comes down to... is this a revolution which is possible to push out through the masses, or does it turn out that this must be first accomplished through the "gate keepers".

Although I've been interested in, exploring, and advocating for a "masses driven approach" for years (hence our focus on a consumer-facing fashion brand with Integrate This), the more I develop an entrepreneurial flow, the more I realize that I should have some form of decision making emerge from the data and feedback of creative choices made--and not just be driven like an artist within the confines of my own studio.

When it comes to astrology itself... the field is so fractured on the global stage, with several different types and schools of astrology. And the fundamental bias in modernity towards materialism.


How it feels to be launching “a worldwide revolution”