How it feels to be launching “a worldwide revolution”

Back when I was an undergrad at NYU's finance school in 2007 during the Great Recession, I was surrounded by what I perceived to be slights regarding the role of commerce and society.

It seemed as though everybody who had money was somehow doing something wrong towards people who felt they had less money than they were supposed to have.

It's taken nearly 12 years of development to get to a point where I can see the partial truth in that perspective, and sometimes people protest to unwind built up negative emotions that related to the topic at hand, but also trail down into deeper connections to their psychological situation and society at large.

Fast forward to 2023, having landed in New York City after 7+ years of incubation in an astrological worldview, my co-founder Somya Thakker and I are exploring every angle available to make Archetypal Astrology push forward into the mainstream consciousness beyond a "nice to have" curiosity, and something worthy of serious consideration.

Right from the outset our intention has been to use commerce as a vehicle for social transformation. This stems from both Somya's and my experiences in the Social Enterprise sector, combined with my own interest for a few years in Marx and the revolutionaries of the 19th century.

While I now consider Marx to be dead wrong about his fundamental assessment of evolution and society (specifically that I believe the primary struggle in society is to overcome the "burden of the self" and not of clashing institutions), I still take inspiration in the way that his work was able to "stir up" social considerations that were taken for granted about society and the individual.

Today we have a different revolution at hand--the revolution of Archetypal Astrology. We are beginning to be very specific these days when we speak of Archetypal Astrology as fundamentally differentiated from other types of astrology. Archetypal Astrology is to "regular astrology" the same way Quantum Physics brings a whole together unique set of considerations and worldview to "how reality works" compared to Classical Physics.

Where Classical Astrology initiates several important points around the relationship between cosmos and psyche, archetypal patterns, seasons, psychological types, and so forth, there is a level of nuance which Archetypal Astrology brings to the table which can not be overlooked.

Chief amongst these are the ideas of "multivalence", "free will", and "holotropic fractals".

Briefly sketched here:

- Multivalence is the idea that each energetic position can be interpreted and manifested in a multiplicity of ways. Thus the idea of "Venus" or "Beauty" have an energetic integrity, whilst simultaneously manifesting in a diverse number of ways on the material plane

- Free Will is the idea that although astrological dynamics are operative, they are only one factor amongst several that are interacting to result in the "what is". Thus, despite a specific psychological context, a human individual can still choose their response.

- Holotropic Fractals is the idea that factors which are operative on the largest scale are also potentially operative in the smallest. Thus as we are going through a world transit of let's say Saturn-Pluto, that same phenomenon is manifesting in personal experience as well. This makes absolute sense in a material sense, but we are establishing a complete interconnection on the psychological or spiritual sense as well

So we have a revolutionary paradigm which at the same time is taking its cue from a certain kind of Classical Astrology which was commonly accepted before the scientific revolution of the 16th century.

If there is a clear, ongoing correlation between the position of planets and the psychology of humans on earth, this obviously changes everything. It is not overstating it to consider that national governments and major corporations would likely be recruiting entire Archetypal Astrology departments to help them interpret the ongoing potentials of this "predictive correspondence".

And that's what Numinous Realm is seeking to address. This deficiency from a market-based perspective, as opposed to bringing the transformation from inside academic institutions. The upside of this is that people are able to access the truth of the reality immediately without mediation through formal gatekeepers. The challenge on the other hand is that we have gatekeepers for a reason. Many times we turn towards "those in authority" to help us understand what is real and true and what is not. This is why entertainer play such an outsized role in democratic freemarkets like the United States, because they become voices we can trust who are not mediated by the government.

So taking this freemarket approach, there is obviously the initial period where we are not yet a credible organization, and yet at the same time do not have the baking of traditional gatekeepers (who we have purposely avoided).

So to fill this gap we are turning to the "art of cool". Learning what it means to make our products, worldview, and message desirable as a gateway to "astro-pill" free market participants into exploring the idea that the principles of Archetypal Astrology may indeed be operative, and overtime advocating for the gradual roll out of this new paradigm on those terms.

So casting this revolution as a fashion brand is the most direct education in learning how to make things cool and attractive. Apart from the premium materials used, Fashion Labels are an acute study in how to propagate a worldview and set of values. To create a sense of belief in value of the organization which seamlessly threads into the lives of the participants as well.

So how does it feel to be "launching a worldwide revolution"? At the moment it feels very much like launching a fashion company. Along with all the very detailed grind and building that any entrepeneur comes with the terrain. But as we scale out our sales and systems, but our audience and community, we look forward to continue using this infrastructure to develop experiences that open up society to the idea that a metaphysical reality beyond material reductionism is indeed possible.


Notes from the front lines


Blazing a trail behind a Nobel-Worthy discovery