Commercial Alchemy

I’ve mentioned earlier Numinous Realm is seeking to bootstrap as much of the early R&D as possible into our History Engine which seeks to integrate Richard Tarnas’ pioneering work around historical analysis and transpersonal psychology with an additional interest into data science, artistic production, and other adjacent areas of research.

I wrote this white paper on “Commercial Alchemy” to assemble some preliminary thoughts on how a transpersonal perspective applies to business strategy. The transpersonal paradigm is one which will go on to transform a tremendous number of fields, as did for example Copernicus’ recovery of the heliocentric theory in the 16th century. For this reason it is exciting to be participating in this new wave of helping organizations around the world better apprehend, align around, and communicate the work they are here to do.

Commercial Alchemy (white paper)

Numinous Realm website


Astrology is Real


Numinous Realm's Strategy Consulting Wing (+ new client)